Destination Moon & Beyond : Fizzics Education

Destination Moon & Beyond

Destination Moon & Beyond

Discover the science required to reach the Moon and the space programs that made it all happen.

From trajectories & orbits to rocketry & materials science, we’ll look at current and future space programs, operations and missions. Students will gain an appreciation of astronomy and gain insight into our place in the Universe. Full risk assessments available on request.

Option to join an ExoLab International Space Station experiment

Find out more here

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Online Class Version

We’ve run live interactive distance programs since 2010 and are highly experienced in making online classes engaging for students on a variety of web conferencing platforms.

  • All of the same curriculum points will be covered, but the activities may vary from those listed for face-to-face incursions.
  • Our online classes include demonstrations, Q&A, and hands-on activities (you will receive a materials list upon booking).
  • Full child protections are in place
  • We usually connect to classes & homes via Zoom, however if you wish to use a different software we can work with you on getting the connection live.

If you connect with us via Zoom

Australian ACARA Content Outcomes:

Earth’s rotation on its axis causes regular changes, including night and day (ACSSU048).

The Earth is part of a system of planets orbiting around a star: the sun (ACSSU078).

Forces can be exerted by one object on another through direct contact or from a distance (ACSSU076).

Australian National Curriculum Mapping for all our science workshops & shows for all our science workshops & shows

NSW Science & Technology Syllabus Content
A student:

describes how contact and non-contact forces affect an object’s motion

investigates regular changes caused by interactions between the Earth and the Sun, and changes to the Earth’s surface

investigates the effects of increasing or decreasing the strength of a specific contact or non-contact force

explains regular events in the solar system and geological events on the Earth’s surface

NSW K – 10 Science Syllabus mapping for all our incursions

Victorian F – 10 Science Curriculum

Earth’s rotation on its axis causes regular changes, including night and day (VCSSU061)

Forces can be exerted by one object on another through direct contact or from a distance (VCSSU064)

Forces can be exerted by one object on another through direct contact or from a distance (VCSSU064)

Print a PDF which details K to 6 mapping of all our science visits

School Testimonials


St John Boscoe Engadine

Engaging and lots of fun with hands on activities at the appropriate level of the students. They were very excited. Highly recommended.

St Michael's Catholic Primary School

Thanks so much!

Science Show Demonstrations

Distances in space

Measure the distances between the Earth, Sun & Moon. What about sizes?

Tricky Trajectories

Can you launch a rocket to get it to the target?

Giant Gyro

How do spacecraft turn in space?

Breathe in!

What would happen to an astronaut if they didn't wear a spacesuit?

Gravity Pull

Model the gravity on Earth vs. Moon. Which planet's gravity is greater?

Troublesome tools

How does working in space affect tool design and use?

Lunar phases

Why does the Moon look different throughout the month?

Creating craters

Model crater formation... what do craters tell us about the Moon's formation?

Rainbows of light

How spectrometers were used on lunar experiments

Rocket launcher

Launch a rocket using a chemical propellant

Remote rocks

Determine the types of rocks you have using a sensor

Rocket modelling

Compare scale models of the Saturn V to other rockets

Heating up & Cooling down

How do materials respond to rapid changes in heat?

Spiraling orbits

What happens to space debris as it approaches celestial objects


Investigate magnetism, just like the Apollo missions & more

Roaring Jug

A model of how rocket engines work

Back side of the Moon

Optional extension - Join an International Space Station Experiment!

Join ExoLab, a science experiment where students from across the world compare their results with an identical growth chamber on the International Space Station (ISS).

  • Join an international school community to share results & ideas along with the U.S. National Laboratory.
  • Collect and analyze data to identify the optimal combination of legume, bacteria, and soil to produce nodulation in the harsh environment of the space.
  • Engage in experimental design, data collection and analysis, writing and revising hypotheses, and communicating about what they’ve learned using evidence from their experiments.
  • Direct curriculum outcomes for high school
  • Guided by experienced educators from Fizzics Education & Magnitude.
  • Available Australia-wide

The experiments are initiated on the ISS in accordance with resupply missions. This allows for multiple experiments per year, giving options on when to align the classroom experiment with the ISS experiment. Students look for relationships between the environmental conditions, including the effect of microgravity on the growth of living things in general.

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A picture of the ISS experiment ExoLab under lights (logos of Fizzics Education and Magnitude above this'. The tagline 'Investigate the effects of microgravity on living things' is also shown


Workshop version – Appropriate for Years 3 to 6 with a maximum of 30 students per class. 60 or 90 minutes

Show version – Appropriate for K to 6 with a maximum of 240 students per class. 60 minutes

Access to 2 electrical power sockets and 12 to 14 tables

Chairs are not required

Ability to turn off fire alarms to be able to run one of the demonstrations

Set up time 45 minutes and pack up time 45 minutes

For us to provide the best possible learning experience, the materials used during the presentation may be varied to suit the conditions and the audience. Please chat with our presenter if there is a particular focus that you’d like us to cover

During Social Distancing – Contact us
and we’ll tailor a program to suit both your school and the State’s social distancing requirements. Further details here

We're a COVID SAFE Company

Go further – Complete Units of Work to support your teaching!

Hours of High-Quality videos, printable experiments, quizzes, vocabulary lists,
Scope & sequences, cross-curricular teaching ideas,  marking rubrics & more
Save time & engage students in STEM

Find out more!


$550 inc. GST for a 60-minute workshop

$600 inc. GST for a 90-minute workshop

$1320 inc. GST per science show performance (this works out at $5 .50 inc. GST per student).

Available as an online class anywhere in the world.
Find out more here

Find out about offers & discounts here!

In a regional area? Find out how we can attend your school as part of a country science tour!

Find out more about the ExoLab extension opportunity

Call 1300 856 828, or click below to make a booking for your primary school.

Print a PDF for mapping of all our K to 6 science visits

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