STEM Ideation Early Learning : Fizzics Education

STEM Ideation Early Learning

STEM Ideation Early Learning


STEM Ideation Early Learning

We’ve all heard of the acronym STEM… so what does that really mean in practice? We’ll look at rapidly co-creating STEM lessons & projects that will make a meaningful difference for your students. The program will be highly collaborative and fast-paced, where you’ll gain ideas from teachers from a variety of grades in a design-thinking environment. Importantly, time is spent looking at how to realistically implement these ideas using the tools, budgets and resources you have at hand.


What do participants do?

We applying design thinking and ideation principles in a group-think environment to help you create meaningful STEM projects for your early learners.

Design thinking is a way of creatively solving challenges using materials in a set timeframe. Importantly, there are three steps involved

  1. Identifying; what the actual problem is that you’re trying to solve?
  2. Ideation; coming up a large array of ideas that could solve the problem
  3. Iteration; prototyping and testing multiple ideas, getting ever closer to the solution

This session is highly collaborative and fast-paced; be prepared for ideas to flow quickly from everyone in the room as we work together to make STEM in your early learning centre shine!

Post-It notes on butchers paper. Each Post-It note describes a student project. The Post-It notes have been arranged on a chart with two axis. The X-axis charts impact from Low to High. The Y-axis charts Difficulty from Low to High. The chart is divided into quadrants whereby low difficulty & low impact is classified as tactical. Low difficulty & high difficulty is classified as a luxury. High impact and low difficulty is classified as Just Do It. High Difficulty and High Impact is classified as strategic.


  • For up to 30 teachers per workshop
  • Desks, chairs and access to at least 1 power point

During Social Distancing – Contact us
and we’ll tailor a program to suit both your school and the State’s social distancing requirements. Further details here

We're a COVID SAFE Company


  • Duration 2.5 hours
  • Set up time 30 minutes and pack up time 30 minutes.


  • Cost $750 inc. GST for an onsite visit within the Sydney Metropolitan area. We can travel throughout  ACT, regional NSW & VIC however travel fees do apply.
  • Special rate! $595 inc. GST as part of another incursion booking on the same day.
  • Includes access to the comprehensive preschool science teaching course for each teacher!

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