STEM Study Tour Programs to Australia

STEM Study Tour Programs to Australia

STEM Study Tour Programs to Australia

STEM Enrichment for Overseas Students made Awesome!

5 day STEM programs for students visiting Sydney, Melbourne or Canberra as part of a school study tour.
Custom-designed by our multi-award-winning education team and you!

Combine multiple workshops into a week-long STEM program

Australian curriculum-linked programs designed to extend your students capabilities & knowledge

  • Lego robotics, Fliprobotics and Coding using Scratch or Blocky
  • Full-day science programs covering properties of materials, light & sound, weather & pressure, biology and more (we have over 40 programs to choose from)
  • Engineering and creative challenges based on STEM principles

Designed for students aged 10 to 15 years old and able to be run in hotel conference rooms or any other booked venue

Contact us - orange arrow button

Engaging for students!

Sample 5 Day Study Tour Program

A photo collage showing students looking at an Alka Selzer volcano, using tornados in a bottle, a coin spinner, a glowing measuring cylinder under UV light and students standing around a yellow sign noting Boya International Education Group
3-day science & technology camp held in Sydney

Day 1 – Learning to Code

Day 2 – Electrical Engineering

Day 3 – Design Thinking

  • STEM Build Challenges

Day 4 – The heart of the science

Day 5 – Applications of STEM

These programs are run with two experienced educators in conjunction with your teachers as translators.
Find out more about our team here

Two students with flip robots on the ground


Ages are 10 to 15 years old

We need two staff per group of 30 students

You will need to source the booking venue. Most groups choose their hotel conference room.

The room requirements are at least 12 tables and chairs for the students

Time to set up is 45 minutes

Time to pack down is 45 minutes

Adequate break time for the students and the educators.

During Social Distancing – Contact us
and we’ll tailor a program to suit both your school and the State’s social distancing requirements. Further details here

We're a COVID SAFE Company


For up to 30 students, we can provide two science presenters at $2500 inc. GST per weekday between 9:00am and 4:00pm ($12500 per week), plus any venue hiring that may need to occur.

If you do go over 30 students, we will need another staff member per extra 30 students at a cost of $4950 inc. GST. 

50% of the payment will be due on booking and the rest due 14 days prior to first day of delivery. 

If you need this to occur in other cities beyond Sydney, Melbourne or Canberra we would need to add in flights, freight and plus a daily accommodation charge of $150 per night per staff member.

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