Inspiring minds sharing ideas!
Love teaching science? Want to get more inspired? Why not listen to these awesome people talking about the way they teach science& imaginative thinking via some TED talks? These people are fascinating to listen to and in many ways embody the essence of great teaching practice. Know some other fantastic education TED talks? Pop them in the chat below!
- Tyler DeWhitt on ditching the jargon and concentrating more on science demonstrations that grab the attention of kids.
- Cesar Harada on citizen science and maker spaces for classroom delivery and the value of making a mess!
- Christopher Emdin on using hip-hop to teach science to kids!
- Ramsay Musallam on the 3 things needed to grab student’s curiosity on how the world works. It’s all about imagination!
- Mae Jemison on teaching the arts & science together
- Sir Ken Robinson on nurturing creativity in education systems.
- Dan Meyer on using classroom math exercises that change the way you think about the classic mathematics problems posed in classrooms.
- Diana Laufenberg on learning from mistakes, embracing failure and experiential learning.
- Salman Khan on the flipped classroom.
- Arvind Gupta on turning trash into science toys.
Hope these TED talks inspired you! The TED and TEDx formats have done a fantastic job in getting ideas to spread around the world and in doing so have impacted millions of lives. Perhaps you or one of your colleagues might have something to share with the world on your take on changing the face of education? If so, I can’t wait to hear it!
Happy teaching,
NEW Primary science teaching book!
“Be Amazing! How to teach science, the way primary kids love”