50 Ideas for Genius Hour Follow FizzicsEd Articles: Comments 0 We love genius hour! Genius hour is where you allocate 1 hour of classroom time each week for student-led projects. The beauty of this time is that not only that this can very be much a time that student’s look forward to, it also can be a chance for you to identify hidden student skills or develop their skills further! Embedding genius hour into your weekly class schedule can be highly rewarding, however sometimes the challenge can be in providing stimulus to kickstart the ideas flowing. So with this in mind, here’s a list of ideas that you can give your students! Downloadable PDF version for students Genius Hour Ideas for Students Create a podcast Teach a younger student a skill Build a website using WordPress, Wix or Squarespace Film a science experiment Make cartoon using Toony Tool Build a Rube Goldberg machine Learn to code using Scratch Create a 3D model and print it Make your own avatar with Bitmoji Create a clay motion video Begin a plant collection Create a science toy Raise money for charity Plant a garden Make a science song Create a YouTube channel Write a poem Create a science cookery book Investigate different careers Write a book Learn how to use a green screen Link with another school for a shared project Build a water-powered rocket Grow crystals Watch a student TED talk Paint a picture Skype a scientist Make a simple motor Pull apart a mechanical device and then put it back together. Learn a new language Make a birdhouse Make an app Solve a school issue Invent something new! Join a citizen science project Learn photography Create an exercise plan Form a student forum or club Learn morse code Learn about local history from an elder Identify birds in your area Write a blog article Make a science poster Make a sculpture Build a boat Design a solar oven Interview a teacher or local leader Design a flag Explore virtual or augmented reality Create graphic designs with Canva Downloadable PDF version for students Some thoughts for students to consider These ideas and investigations are just a starting point! Is there any current research happening now that you’d like to learn more about? What has been happening in your school? What has been happening beyond your school? What has made you say “Wow?” recently? Don’t be afraid to ask for materials & support Have fun with this, genius hour is your time! So, what are you waiting for? Have fun and start building new skills! Further enrichment ideas Create a science festival at your school. You can also enrich this day with a science show, workshop or STEM activity! Primary science visits High school science visits Online programs Happy teaching Ben Newsome CF Love Science? Subscribe! Join our newsletter Receive more lesson plans and fun science ideas. PROGRAMS COURSES SHOP SCIENCE PARTIES Calendar of Events HIGH SCHOOL Science@Home 4-Week Membership 12PM: March 2024 Feb 26, 2024 - Mar 29, 2024 12PM - 12PM Price: $50 - $900 Book Now! PRIMARY Science@Home 4-Week Membership 2PM: March 2024 Feb 26, 2024 - Mar 22, 2024 2PM - 2PM Price: $50 - $900 Book Now! Light and Colour Online Workshop, Jan 18 PM Jan 18, 2024 2PM - 3PM Price: $50 Book Now! Light and Colour Online Workshop, Jan 18 AM Jan 18, 2024 9AM - 11AM Price: $50 Book Now! Lego Robotics, Sydney Olympic Park Jan 2024 Jan 24, 2024 9AM - 12PM Price: $50 Book Now! Creative Coding, Sydney Olympic Park Jan 2024 Jan 24, 2024 1PM - 4PM Price: $50 Book Now! Creative Coding, Sydney Olympic Park July 11 2023 Jul 11, 2023 9AM - 4PM Price: $100 Book Now! Fizzics Education STEAM Day: Robots vs Dinosaurs, Lalor, Apr 14 Apr 14, 2023 9AM - 12PM Price: $45 - $50 Book Now! Creative Coding, Sydney Olympic Park April 14 2023 Apr 14, 2023 9AM - 4PM Price: $100 Book Now! Science@Home After School 4-Week Membership: March 2023 Mar 06, 2023 - Mar 31, 2023 4PM - 5PM Price: $40 - $1200 Book Now! 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We love genius hour! Genius hour is where you allocate 1 hour of classroom time each week for student-led projects. The beauty of this time is that not only that this can very be much a time that student’s look forward to, it also can be a chance for you to identify hidden student skills or develop their skills further! Embedding genius hour into your weekly class schedule can be highly rewarding, however sometimes the challenge can be in providing stimulus to kickstart the ideas flowing. So with this in mind, here’s a list of ideas that you can give your students! Downloadable PDF version for students Genius Hour Ideas for Students Create a podcast Teach a younger student a skill Build a website using WordPress, Wix or Squarespace Film a science experiment Make cartoon using Toony Tool Build a Rube Goldberg machine Learn to code using Scratch Create a 3D model and print it Make your own avatar with Bitmoji Create a clay motion video Begin a plant collection Create a science toy Raise money for charity Plant a garden Make a science song Create a YouTube channel Write a poem Create a science cookery book Investigate different careers Write a book Learn how to use a green screen Link with another school for a shared project Build a water-powered rocket Grow crystals Watch a student TED talk Paint a picture Skype a scientist Make a simple motor Pull apart a mechanical device and then put it back together. Learn a new language Make a birdhouse Make an app Solve a school issue Invent something new! Join a citizen science project Learn photography Create an exercise plan Form a student forum or club Learn morse code Learn about local history from an elder Identify birds in your area Write a blog article Make a science poster Make a sculpture Build a boat Design a solar oven Interview a teacher or local leader Design a flag Explore virtual or augmented reality Create graphic designs with Canva Downloadable PDF version for students Some thoughts for students to consider These ideas and investigations are just a starting point! Is there any current research happening now that you’d like to learn more about? What has been happening in your school? What has been happening beyond your school? What has made you say “Wow?” recently? Don’t be afraid to ask for materials & support Have fun with this, genius hour is your time! So, what are you waiting for? Have fun and start building new skills! Further enrichment ideas Create a science festival at your school. You can also enrich this day with a science show, workshop or STEM activity! Primary science visits High school science visits Online programs Happy teaching Ben Newsome CF
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