Effective strategies to help students with learning difficulties Follow FizzicsEd Articles: Comments 0 As you would likely be aware, students with learning difficulties can have problems with reading, writing, maths, science or paying attention in class. These difficulties compound issues over a child’s schooling years, with these students potentially falling behind their peers, with the potential for long term poor outcomes for the students. There are many factors that contribute to learning disabilities, however no matter how profound the learning disability might be, there are always opportunities for these students to surmount heir disabilities to achieve their goals! So, These students do not need our sympathy. They instead need to deserve equal opportunities to attain education. Yes, students with learning disabilities pose a few teaching challenges for the teachers. However, with effective strategies, other love, and tenderness, you can inspire the best learning in them. This blog illustrates the various techniques that you can use as a teacher to help students with learning disabilities learn most effectively. Imagine how proud a teacher you will be when your students perform at par with other students! Before we move to the teaching strategies, let us reconfirm if we understand learning disabilities well. What are learning disabilities? First, a learning disability is a neurological disorder that affects a person’s ability to learn. It is interesting to note that children with learning disabilities can be as sharp as their peers. However, they may find it challenging to write, read, reason out information, spell things correctly, or process information. They face such challenges when they have to deal with it on their own. To explain, these students need to learn the ways of learning that suit them the best. It is possible that they may not be aware of ways they can learn in. They may not be able to develop a self-reliant approach to learning and will often seek help. Besides, it is not that success is a surreal dream for them. If they receive the right support from their teachers, fellow students, and parents, they can outshine others. Out of these, being their teacher, you are their brightest ray of hope. Hence, let us shed light on the approach you can adapt to get the best out of your students with learning difficulties. Practical strategies for teaching students with disabilities Reading Aloud To help students with learning disabilities learn better, you can read aloud the written text or instructions. In this way, they can understand the things in case they have issues reading and comprehending text. Besides, when you read out a test’s instructions to them, they will have no doubts. They can hence perform well in the test without making any mistakes concerning what is expected of them. Bifurcating the projects To help students with learning disabilities, you can break a project or a chapter into smaller assignments. Such a scenario will enable them to learn at their own pace, and they will not feel undue pressure to cope with the class’s speed. You can also break down more significant assignments into sectional assignments for them. To add, for once you can also explain to them the right way of attempting the homework. Moreover, you can encourage the belief that they can approach you anytime if they have any doubts. Application of multimedia Graphic organisers, audio-visual supplements for education can make learning an enriching experience for children. This method will hold an even greater significance when it comes to teaching children affected by disabilities. It is a proven fact that students tend to engage better in smart classrooms that use multimedia. The multimedia elements include documentaries, animations, still images, videos, and images and text culminations. This can also help you identify the methods that work the best for all students! A handy tool can be the use of the free app Trello. This will help kids split up the d=tasks within a particular project as well s assign timelines, goals, attach documents and work collaboratively with their peers. Allowing sectional tests If students with learning disabilities are allowed to take sections of the tests separately, it can help them. They may find it daunting to complete the entire test at once, and failing can demotivate them. However, if they take tests section-wise, they can perform better. Although assessments are vital to test a student’s ability, you can always give some leniency to students with disabilities. As stated above, little more love and tenderness from your side can be of immense importance to them. Providing Qualitative Feedback These students seek assistance in learning the ‘right way of learning’ and processing information. For that, your feedback is going to be significant to them so that they can improving. These students may not lack the zeal to learn but owing to their unfortunate disability; they need more support from your side. When you deliver quality feedback, they can identify their shortcomings. After that, they can work on the areas they lack in and attain higher success with your help. Moreover, you can also take feedback from them. You can ask them if the teaching methods are suited to their needs or they want slight changes. Feedback should flow in both directions, after all! Besides, irrespective of all differences, feedback is one of the crucial ways of self-improvement. There is much to be said for the power of positivity in the classroom! Tools published by the Victorian Education Department Learning Difficulties Information Guide – School Leaders (pdf – 4.03mb) Learning Difficulties Information Guide – Literacy (pdf – 3.36mb) Learning Difficulties Information Guide – Numeracy (pdf – 3.21mb) To encapsulate, all children have an equal entitlement to prosper with education. We have often seen people cross all sorts of hurdles to achieve what they desire. This is what inspires the world and keeps it going. Your students with learning disabilities too can be achievers and winners. They just require more attention, more patience, and more commitment from you as their guiding light. Of course, no teacher will ever discriminate between his teachers irrespective of differences. But you can also show these students some extra warmth to help them succeed. Happy teaching, Jessica Robinson Jessica Robinson finds her peace in penning down intriguing and captivating blogs for her readers. So, she has been creating the finest pieces of content for over a decade while working at ‘The Speaking Polymath’. Linkedin Blog Love Science? Subscribe! Join our newsletter Receive more lesson plans and fun science ideas. PROGRAMS COURSES SHOP SCIENCE PARTIES Calendar of Events HIGH SCHOOL Science@Home 4-Week Membership 12PM: March 2024 Feb 26, 2024 - Mar 29, 2024 12PM - 12PM Price: $50 - $900 Book Now! PRIMARY Science@Home 4-Week Membership 2PM: March 2024 Feb 26, 2024 - Mar 22, 2024 2PM - 2PM Price: $50 - $900 Book Now! Light and Colour Online Workshop, Jan 18 PM Jan 18, 2024 2PM - 3PM Price: $50 Book Now! Light and Colour Online Workshop, Jan 18 AM Jan 18, 2024 9AM - 11AM Price: $50 Book Now! Lego Robotics, Sydney Olympic Park Jan 2024 Jan 24, 2024 9AM - 12PM Price: $50 Book Now! Creative Coding, Sydney Olympic Park Jan 2024 Jan 24, 2024 1PM - 4PM Price: $50 Book Now! Creative Coding, Sydney Olympic Park July 11 2023 Jul 11, 2023 9AM - 4PM Price: $100 Book Now! 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As you would likely be aware, students with learning difficulties can have problems with reading, writing, maths, science or paying attention in class. These difficulties compound issues over a child’s schooling years, with these students potentially falling behind their peers, with the potential for long term poor outcomes for the students. There are many factors that contribute to learning disabilities, however no matter how profound the learning disability might be, there are always opportunities for these students to surmount heir disabilities to achieve their goals! So, These students do not need our sympathy. They instead need to deserve equal opportunities to attain education. Yes, students with learning disabilities pose a few teaching challenges for the teachers. However, with effective strategies, other love, and tenderness, you can inspire the best learning in them. This blog illustrates the various techniques that you can use as a teacher to help students with learning disabilities learn most effectively. Imagine how proud a teacher you will be when your students perform at par with other students! Before we move to the teaching strategies, let us reconfirm if we understand learning disabilities well. What are learning disabilities? First, a learning disability is a neurological disorder that affects a person’s ability to learn. It is interesting to note that children with learning disabilities can be as sharp as their peers. However, they may find it challenging to write, read, reason out information, spell things correctly, or process information. They face such challenges when they have to deal with it on their own. To explain, these students need to learn the ways of learning that suit them the best. It is possible that they may not be aware of ways they can learn in. They may not be able to develop a self-reliant approach to learning and will often seek help. Besides, it is not that success is a surreal dream for them. If they receive the right support from their teachers, fellow students, and parents, they can outshine others. Out of these, being their teacher, you are their brightest ray of hope. Hence, let us shed light on the approach you can adapt to get the best out of your students with learning difficulties. Practical strategies for teaching students with disabilities Reading Aloud To help students with learning disabilities learn better, you can read aloud the written text or instructions. In this way, they can understand the things in case they have issues reading and comprehending text. Besides, when you read out a test’s instructions to them, they will have no doubts. They can hence perform well in the test without making any mistakes concerning what is expected of them. Bifurcating the projects To help students with learning disabilities, you can break a project or a chapter into smaller assignments. Such a scenario will enable them to learn at their own pace, and they will not feel undue pressure to cope with the class’s speed. You can also break down more significant assignments into sectional assignments for them. To add, for once you can also explain to them the right way of attempting the homework. Moreover, you can encourage the belief that they can approach you anytime if they have any doubts. Application of multimedia Graphic organisers, audio-visual supplements for education can make learning an enriching experience for children. This method will hold an even greater significance when it comes to teaching children affected by disabilities. It is a proven fact that students tend to engage better in smart classrooms that use multimedia. The multimedia elements include documentaries, animations, still images, videos, and images and text culminations. This can also help you identify the methods that work the best for all students! A handy tool can be the use of the free app Trello. This will help kids split up the d=tasks within a particular project as well s assign timelines, goals, attach documents and work collaboratively with their peers. Allowing sectional tests If students with learning disabilities are allowed to take sections of the tests separately, it can help them. They may find it daunting to complete the entire test at once, and failing can demotivate them. However, if they take tests section-wise, they can perform better. Although assessments are vital to test a student’s ability, you can always give some leniency to students with disabilities. As stated above, little more love and tenderness from your side can be of immense importance to them. Providing Qualitative Feedback These students seek assistance in learning the ‘right way of learning’ and processing information. For that, your feedback is going to be significant to them so that they can improving. These students may not lack the zeal to learn but owing to their unfortunate disability; they need more support from your side. When you deliver quality feedback, they can identify their shortcomings. After that, they can work on the areas they lack in and attain higher success with your help. Moreover, you can also take feedback from them. You can ask them if the teaching methods are suited to their needs or they want slight changes. Feedback should flow in both directions, after all! Besides, irrespective of all differences, feedback is one of the crucial ways of self-improvement. There is much to be said for the power of positivity in the classroom! Tools published by the Victorian Education Department Learning Difficulties Information Guide – School Leaders (pdf – 4.03mb) Learning Difficulties Information Guide – Literacy (pdf – 3.36mb) Learning Difficulties Information Guide – Numeracy (pdf – 3.21mb) To encapsulate, all children have an equal entitlement to prosper with education. We have often seen people cross all sorts of hurdles to achieve what they desire. This is what inspires the world and keeps it going. Your students with learning disabilities too can be achievers and winners. They just require more attention, more patience, and more commitment from you as their guiding light. Of course, no teacher will ever discriminate between his teachers irrespective of differences. But you can also show these students some extra warmth to help them succeed. Happy teaching, Jessica Robinson Jessica Robinson finds her peace in penning down intriguing and captivating blogs for her readers. So, she has been creating the finest pieces of content for over a decade while working at ‘The Speaking Polymath’. Linkedin Blog
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