What a weekend!
Last night we were very proud and humbled to receive the Australian Small Business Champion Education Services award at a huge gathering of people at Sydney’s Westin Hotel. The awards night covered 34 industry sectors and brought together finalists from across the country who had submitted their entry to be assessed by a judging panel.
Not expecting to win but certainly happy to be involved, I was very interested to hear from a variety of entrepreneurs who had focused their efforts on creating the best service for their customers and opportunities for their employees to grow. It was fantastic to hear from Mr Mathew Mitcham OAM, Australian diving representative and 2008 Olympic champion speak as well as to chat with several MPs and dignitaries over a fantastic meal!
Once our category came around it was awesome to see Holly and Nina pictured throughout the ballroom on large screens creating a flour fireball that we often do for schools! Quite an unexpected image I think for the rest of the 1000 people in the room… it drew quite some interest anyway 🙂
How surreal it was to accept the award given the quality of the finalists in the room!
It goes without saying a personal thanks to all the schools, libraries, museums, preschools, vacation care centers, hospitals, parents and more who have engaged us since 2004. Without your continued support we would simply not be around!
Of course none of this would have been possible without our team’s hard work and dedication to making science education outreach meaningful and rewarding for our customers! Thanks so much everyone, your efforts to bring science across the country are amazing!
Thanks to Precedent Productions for putting on a fantastic event, well as sponsors TrueLocal, Castaway, Frontline Stores, BizCover and Key Person of Influence.
Much appreciated again, looking forward to seeing where the rest of 2015 takes us 🙂