Preschool STEM on TV! Science for preschoolers! Since 2014, Nickelodeon has run Blaze and Monster Machines, an animated cartoon series designed to bring science, technology, engineering and mathematics concepts to preschool children. Created by Jeff Borkin and Ellen Martin, Blaze and the Monster Machines highlights concepts such as friction, trajectories,...
Take a walk on the wild side! Planning a bush walk and not too sure what to expect? Why not get trail-side using Google Street View? A couple of years ago, NSW National Parks & Wildlife partnered with Google to use the Trekker, a backpack-mounted 360-degree camera and GPS system...
From colour-changing teas to blossoms in your garden! Now that the weather is warming up, why not get your students out and about for some chemistry in the garden! Learn about colourful plants, acids and bases, and DIY pH indicators with this simple experiment!
Wow them! Yesterday I was privileged to be invited to help judge the Postgraduate Research Forum Speakers at a 3-minute thesis pitch event at the UNSW School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences (UNSW BEES). What a fantastic event! During this jam-packed morning, I got to hear about the amazing...
Promoting the work of the Churchill Fellows Last night we were invited by The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust to film a series of segments with Blue Clay Creatives as part of helping to spread the message of the Churchill Fellowships to a new generation. The Churchill Trust has partnered with...
Halloween science experiments & activities for kids! Fun things to do for kids for a spooky Halloween. Find out more...
Using Hollywood to teach numeracy Unless you can give hands-on examples as to how the mathematics works, a learner will consolidate their misunderstandings if not given shown concrete evidence that contradicts their understandings. This got us thinking, what other movies also highlight the importance of numeracy? Time to open the...
Help students spread their ideas! Podcasting also offers yet another opportunity for your students to engage with their world digitally. Armed with a microphone and a recording device, your students could be sharing their ideas and insights gained as they conduct science at your school and beyond! The content they...
It's the final day at Educhange! More ice cream, more experiments, and making more friends! Roaming around the beautiful Royal Melbourne Exhibition Building there was still more take in. First up, I came across Lemonade Stand, a business school for kids! They are based in Melbourne, specialising in entrepreneurship workshops....
Fizzics at Educhange 2017! The Fizzics Education team sets up shop in the beautiful Royal Melbourne Exhibition Building today, geared up to meet people and share our passion for doing awesome science stuff! Follow our blog posts to check out the cool people we've heard from and chatted to as...
Fizzics at Educhange 2017! Holly and the Fizzics Education Victoria team is in Melbourne this week for Educhange 2017! Follow our blog posts to check out the cool people we've heard from and chatted to as well as keeping up with the shenanigans we get up to at the Royal...
Learn about thermal insulation through delicious baking! This classic dessert involves the seemingly impossible combo of hot and cold, of fire and ice (cream)! Find out how to make your own in the classroom or at home for a tasty demonstration in the physics of heat transfer and thermal insulation!
Excellence in Business, Education & Social Enterprise Wow, Fizzics is a finalist for three awards for the upcoming Western Sydney Awards for Business Excellence! This will be the 27th WSABE Awards, an annual celebration of businesses that work to create opportunity and growth throughout the Greater Western Sydney region. Hosted...
A science bonanza at Sydney Olympic Park! The last day of National Science Week finished with a bang in the heart of Sydney Olympic Park on Sunday! With help from Federal Government via Inspiring Australia and the NSW State Government, the Innovation games concluded the Sydney Science Festival with flare...
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