Helping preservice teachers with Dr. Sandy Nicoll : Fizzics Education


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Helping preservice teachers with Dr. Sandy Nicoll

Helping preservice teachers with Dr. Sandy Nicoll


Supporting our preservice teachers is fundamental to a sustainable education system. Dr Sandy Nicoll has worked with thousands of preservice teachers and through the New Brew podcast is creating a network of educators that support each other’s practice.

Hosted by Ben Newsome from Fizzics Education

About Dr Sandy Nicoll

Dr Sandy Nicoll’s PhD was conferred in 2019 on the topic: How do primary preservice teachers learn to engage students in learning during professional experience?

After teaching in Higher Education since 2007, and a classroom teacher for 3 decades Dr Sandy estimates she has walked alongside over 15,000 pre-service teachers as a tutor and lecturer. She loves the idea of engaging others so we can empower them to create and elevate. These experiences inspired her in 2021 to become the maker for The New Brew Podcast with curators Hema, Jase, Jarryd, Kyle, Rowan and Tash.

Contact doctorsandy@thenewbrewpc.com

Recent research papers

Ma. K., Chutyiami, M. & Nicoll. S. (2021). Transitioning into the first year of teaching: changes and sources of teacher self-efficacy. The Australian Educator Researcher. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13384-021-00481-5?fbclid=IwAR3PVUXG__1RlIMwIiOE4IR7wGBEOpgPhx3U72yXRtpS6gwb5fDgXv3ApMU#citeas

-Kolber, S., Heggart, K. & Nicoll, S. (2021). Edureading: Teachers engaging with research online, Teacher Magazine,


-Ma, K., Chutiyami, M., Zhang, L., & Nicoll, S. (2021). Online teaching self-efficacy during COVID-19: changes, its associated factors and moderators. Education and Information Technologies. (March 10). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-021-10486-3

About the New Brew Podcast

The New Brew Podcast -Empowering preservice teachers to support their desire to be influencers for good.


With interviews with leading science educators and STEM thought leaders, this science education podcast is about highlighting different ways of teaching kids within and beyond the classroom. It’s not just about educational practice & pedagogy, it’s about inspiring new ideas & challenging conventions of how students can learn about their world!

Hosted by Ben Newsome

Ben Newsome


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