Podcast: Community STEM Projects through the T3 Alliance : Fizzics Education


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Podcast: Community STEM Projects through the T3 Alliance

Podcast: Community STEM Projects through the T3 Alliance


Providing an avenue for students to learn and use their STEM skills for real community projects is at the heart of what the T3 Alliance does. Plus, you can get involved too! We speak with Adam Low who is the Director of T3 Alaska and Director of the University of Alaska Fairbanks Upward Bound Program to learn just how they make this happen.

Hosted by Ben Newsome from Fizzics Education

About Adam Low

Adam Low holding a white pipe

Adam Low is the Director of the University of Alaska Fairbanks Upward Bound Program and the director of T3 Alaska.  He is a science and technology educator with a passion for involving students in community engagement projects. Adam has extensive experience developing and supporting curricula to connect STEM technologies and service-learning as part of both the T3 Alliance and Modern Blanket Toss National Science Foundations grants.  He has worked as a teacher in a makerspace, supported an online school based on cultural and environmental learning in Hawaii, taught at the high school and collegiate levels in Alaska,  and worked as a professional geologist. In 2008 Adam was named science teacher of the year for the state of Alaska.

Learn more

With interviews with leading science educators and STEM thought leaders, this science education podcast is about highlighting different ways of teaching kids within and beyond the classroom. It’s not just about educational practice & pedagogy, it’s about inspiring new ideas & challenging conventions of how students can learn about their world!

Hosted by Ben Newsome

Ben Newsome


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