Podcast: PancakeBot with Miguel Valenzuela : Fizzics Education


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Podcast: PancakeBot with Miguel Valenzuela

Podcast: PancakeBot with Miguel Valenzuela


Pancakes! Say that word and students and adults alike can’t help but smile. PancakeBot is an amazing tool to teach a love of STEM in its purest form and creator & founder Miguel Valenzuela drops by to describe how this is being used in many schools to teach about food technology and the maker movement.

Hosted by Ben Newsome from Fizzics Education

About PancakeBot

A flat 3D printer with a pancake on it

PancakeBot LLC focuses on the development of PancakeBot, the world’s first pancake printer. From its beginnings in the New York Maker Faire to being showcased in the White House, PancakeBot also focuses on the development of curriculum for schools to help spread the word and tell the story of PancakeBot.


About Miguel Valenzuela

Miguel Valenzuela dressed as a chef

Miguel is an inventor, artist, California Registered Engineer, and creator of PancakeBot, a pancake printer designed to inspire kids to get into technology, robotics and food manufacturing. In his spare time, he likes to work with 3D modelling, robotics, LEGO and teaching children about animation as well as programming.

With interviews with leading science educators and STEM thought leaders, this science education podcast is about highlighting different ways of teaching kids within and beyond the classroom. It’s not just about educational practice & pedagogy, it’s about inspiring new ideas & challenging conventions of how students can learn about their world!

Hosted by Ben Newsome

Ben Newsome


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