Podcast: The Power of Play with Liz Rossiter : Fizzics Education


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Podcast: The Power of Play with Liz Rossiter

Podcast: The Power of Play with Liz Rossiter


Creating opportunities for children for play opens up a world of STEM learning opportunities for students young and old. We chat with Liz Rossiter from Mud Kitchen who through her Unplug & Play Pop Up STEM playgrounds is helping kids across the country explore science & engineering through hands-on activities traditionally found in children’s museums. From programs in schools and preschools through to libraries, shopping centres and festivals, you can tell Liz has been having a blast!

Hosted by Ben Newsome from Fizzics Education

About Liz Rossiter

About Liz Rossiter Growing up in the US, Liz spent many American summers on dusty road trips in the family minivan, travelling to all corners of the country, and often stopping at every hands-on Children's Museum along the way. This sparked an early and enduring passion for wonder-filled play spaces that were all about discovery, possibility, and imagination. Still captivated by the magic of developing community, collaboration, and camaraderie through playful learning experiences today, she has become a true advocate for 'Unplugged' play-based STEM learning for children as an essential balance to digital-heavy environments. Through her company, Mud Kitchen, she has curated a truly innovative collection of educational resources for schools, preschools, libraries, and community groups that perfectly fit this playful philosophy. She also facilitates 'Unplug & Play' Pop Up STEM Playgrounds, and has received a Women in STEM grant from the Australian Department of Industry, Innovation, and Science to bring these mobile playful learning spaces to communities all over Australia.

Growing up in the US, Liz spent many American summers on dusty road trips in the family minivan, travelling to all corners of the country, and often stopping at every hands-on Children’s Museum along the way. This sparked an early and enduring passion for wonder-filled play spaces that were all about discovery, possibility, and imagination. Still captivated by the magic of developing community, collaboration, and camaraderie through playful learning experiences today, she has become a true advocate for ‘Unplugged’ play-based STEM learning for children as an essential balance to digital-heavy environments. Through her company, Mud Kitchen, she has curated a truly innovative collection of educational resources for schools, preschools, libraries, and community groups that perfectly fit this playful philosophy. She also facilitates ‘Unplug & Play’ Pop Up STEM Playgrounds, and has received a Women in STEM grant from the Australian Department of Industry, Innovation, and Science to bring these mobile playful learning spaces to communities all over Australia.

More information

With interviews with leading science educators and STEM thought leaders, this science education podcast is about highlighting different ways of teaching kids within and beyond the classroom. It’s not just about educational practice & pedagogy, it’s about inspiring new ideas & challenging conventions of how students can learn about their world!

Hosted by Ben Newsome

Ben Newsome

AEON member


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