Regional & remote school science visits | Fizzics Education

School Country Tours

School Country Tours

Science visits as far as the road can take us!

How can remote and regional schools get a science show visit?

This is quite easy actually!

Simply mix and match >40 science shows & workshops using the primary or high school sections of our website.
From Liquid nitrogen shows & Lego robotics to Chemistry shows & STEM challenges, there’s plenty to choose from!

As we arrange a flat rate per staff member per day the only considerations needed are the following:

  • The number of students and year levels we will need to cater for.

    Ben using liquid nitrogen

    Generally, 30 students is a maximum per science workshop whereby shows can handle larger audiences (even the entire school). Once you know the number of science workshops or shows you require, we can then work out how many staff you may need over the number of days you have in mind. As long as we can fit the school workshops in our utes, we can do it!

    Extra tips:

    – Partner with another school to share travel costs. Many schools have us move from school to school throughout the week.

    – Consider meshing your school funding with a Schools Plus Funding Drive. We’ve attended schools whereby resources such as robotics have been purchased and we then accelerate the student’s knowledge on how to use them

    – If you have us arrive at your school on a Tuesday, the travel costs are less as we don’t have to travel to you on a Sunday.

    – Consider contacting the local council as often there is funding for us to run early learning programs and evening workshops, further reducing travel costs for your school.

  • Setup & pack up times

    Bubbles at Silverton

    Please be aware of setup and pack up times for each school science workshop. These are listed within each school workshop description, including other associated requirements. We are quite flexible with arranging things around your schedule and location, we just need to know what you have in mind.

  • Plan ahead

    Fizzics has many staff but we do get heavily booked, especially from late Term 2 to early Term 4. Get in touch with our team early for these dates so that you have the most flexibility in terms of workshop selection and dates. Alternatively, look to have us along in mid-Term 4 or Term 1 and planning will be a breeze!

    During Social Distancing – Contact us
    and we’ll tailor a program to suit both your school and the State’s social distancing requirements. Further details here

  • Incorporate PD

    Fizzics ute on the way to Nyngan on country tour 2019

    We can run STEM professional development programs with your staff either after school or as a pupil-free day. Much better than having to do another e-learning unit!

  • We can also run our visits via video conference too!

    Science video conferencing

    Find out how you can use your connected classroom for science enrichment programs guided by experienced educators.
    Read more.

  • Phone 1300 856 838 or fill out this form to get in touch with our office for more details!

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We're a COVID SAFE Company

  • Costs simply depend on your location in relation to Sydney, Melbourne or Canberra plus the number of staff and the number of days the science visit requires.
  • For small schools consider partnering with a nearby school to share costs – you can turn it into a school camp!
    Funding for remote and rural school science shows is often available.
    You can also pair the science visit with a Schools Plus Funding Drive for support resources
  • As we often stay overnight there is an opportunity to run a telescope viewing evening.
  • Phone 1300 856 838 or fill out this form to get in touch with our office for more details.

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