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Episode: 40

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Student STEM tours with Latitude Group Travel

Ben Newsome

Ever wanted to bring students to the where the science is actually happening? Jenny Murphy and the team at Latitude Group Travel do exactly that, creating extraordinary student STEM travel experiences to sites across Australia and around the globe. From taking students to high profile sites such as CERN &...


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Winter Olympics 2018 – The science of curling!

Ben Newsome

The science of Olympic sports! Tomorrow marks the opening of the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea. Over the next several weeks Fizzics will bring you a series of blog posts about the science behind these exciting sports! First up: curling!


Episode: 39

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Australian Age of Dinosaurs

Ben Newsome

Ever wanted to know what it's really like to work at a Dinosaur Museum? Well now's your chance as Education Coordinator & Laboratory Supervisor Steven Rumbold takes you behind the scenes at Australian Age of Dinosaurs Museum of Natural History. Situated in the heart of regional QLD, this museum is...


Episode: 38

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Reef HQ Aquarium & enviroED

Ben Newsome

Meet Craig McGrogan, an incredibly dedicated environmental educator at ReefHQ who for many years has run science workshops, citizen science and ecotourism programs in the heart of tropical north QLD. ReefHQ is the National Education Center for the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority whose mission is to inspire everyone...


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Why is science important?

Ben Newsome

... even if you're not a scientist It would be hard not to notice the renewed focus on science & technology these days. Lately not a week goes by without the media discussing how science will impact on our lives and how the next generation needs to have a strong...


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Safety first: What to watch out for when replicating experiments from the internet!

Ben Newsome

Stay safe while having fun! Planning on ending the school year with a bang? Hoping to perfect that epic trick from a Youtube video over the holidays? Before jumping into recreating these exciting feats, here are some safety tips from us to help everyone have an awesome time over the...


Episode: 32

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Podcast: Christmas Science!

Ben Newsome

Science experiments for the end of the year! This episode we're having a little bit of fun with the Christmas theme and as such you'll hear about a number of simple science experiments you can run over the holiday break that won't break the budget. Each science experiment is easily...


Episode: 31

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Educational Leadership

Ben Newsome

The Science Teachers Association of NSW exists to help teachers from all years and from all school types to learn from each other and to share best practice. This week we’re joined by Margaret Shepherd, president of STANSW and lecturer in science education, who shares her thoughts on educational leadership...


Episode: 30

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Flame Challenge!

Ben Newsome

Since 2012 the Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science has been running a global competition called The Flame Challenge’. Here, scientists from around the world compete to create a compelling visual or written explanation for a scientific concept, whereby entries are judged by thousands of 11-year-old children! In this episode...


Episode: 29

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Making Science Engaging

Ben Newsome

Dr Simon Crook, Founder of CrookED Science, drops by to discuss his work with schools across Australia in building science capacity. Nominated on the Educator Magazine’s Hot List for 2017, Simon reflects on what makes a great science lesson and the importance of working collaboratively.


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Garden chemistry: pH indicators in your backyard!

Ben Newsome

From colour-changing teas to blossoms in your garden! Now that the weather is warming up, why not get your students out and about for some chemistry in the garden! Learn about colourful plants, acids and bases, and DIY pH indicators with this simple experiment!


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What makes an awesome science presentation?

Ben Newsome

Wow them! Yesterday I was privileged to be invited to help judge the Postgraduate Research Forum Speakers at a 3-minute thesis pitch event at the UNSW School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences (UNSW BEES). What a fantastic event! During this jam-packed morning, I got to hear about the amazing...


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Filming for The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust

Ben Newsome

Promoting the work of the Churchill Fellows Last night we were invited by The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust to film a series of segments with Blue Clay Creatives as part of helping to spread the message of the Churchill Fellowships to a new generation. The Churchill Trust has partnered with...

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How to create a student science podcast

Ben Newsome

Help students spread their ideas! Podcasting also offers yet another opportunity for your students to engage with their world digitally. Armed with a microphone and a recording device, your students could be sharing their ideas and insights gained as they conduct science at your school and beyond! The content they...

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