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Kids perceptions on how the world works… you’d be amazed how they think!

Ben Newsome

Ever wondered what kids are thinking? Just how do students perceive their world when their background to measure their experiences is limited? In this post we look at a variety of children's misconceptions in science and what to do about them!

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Science Apps for the classroom; devices on the ready!

Ben Newsome

With today's technology there are so many options to enrich your student's classroom experience. One of the quickest ways to make that happen is by integrating science apps into your lessons. Listed here are a bunch of science apps that can really help students understand science in an environment that's...

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Create a science fair at your school that draws attention!

Ben Newsome

Science fairs are so much fun to put together and they really bring your school hall to life when done properly. Who wouldn't want to come visit your school when the students have created robots, DNA extractions, weather simulations, colourful chemical concoctions and more? ... it's certainly much more interesting...


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How to decorate a kids science party they’ll love!

Ben Newsome

We've been running hundreds of science parties every year since 2004 and one thing we've noticed is just how creative parents can be! You can turn your home into a 'mad scientists laboratory' using simple household items, all you need is imagination and add a bit of fun! Here are...


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Blowing stuff up for MAAS!

Ben Newsome

Earlier this year we were invited to the Museum of Applied Arts & Sciences for Éxplode it With Science, part of the 2015 Sydney Science Festival organised on behalf of Inspiring Australia Here's the highlights from tick tick BOOM!

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Preserving student STEM engagement throughout K – 12.

Ben Newsome

Because we visit the entire K to 12 learning spectrum we can quickly get a snapshot of the disparity between primary and high school classes; we might see excited students in a Year 7 science classroom and then see students at the same school in Year 9 utterly bored despite...


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Can poor science models still be useful for teaching science?

Ben Newsome

This might be counter-intuitive but sometimes presenting poorly designed scientific models to students can be extremely helpful in allowing students to critically analyse a given topic area. This week I was teaching a Stars & Planets workshop to primary school students and we started tearing apart this solar system model...

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An overview of Virtual Excursions Australia in an interview with CILC

Ben Newsome

After visiting Philadelphia earlier this year for ISTE 2015, Jan Zanetis from the Centre for Interactive Learning & Collaboration in the USA interviewed me on the presentation made to CILC video conference content providers about the work being done by Virtual Excursions Australia in reaching remote learners across Australia. Here's...


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Fizzics wins Australian Small Business Champion Award for Education Services!

Ben Newsome

At a gathering of nearly 1000 people at Sydney's Westin Hotel, Fizzics Education picked up the Australia's national small business award for education services! Somewhat humbled but chuffed all the same, Ben speaks about small businesses 'night of nights'...


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Get the dirt on soils! Teaching soil science to the public…

Ben Newsome

Well it’s April again and the Sydney Royal Easter Show swings into high gear as people descend into Sydney Olympic Park from far and wide. This year we have teamed up with the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW to bring soil science to the masses, plus run some school hands-on...

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Fizzics Takes Australian Science to China

Ben Newsome

When the school bell rings at the end of the day in China, for most children this does not mean that it is home time. Many kids head off to lavish ‘training centres’ where they can learn dance, art, ceramics, language, music or sports. As part of its ongoing commitment...

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Radio profile: science video conference to Unalaska!

Ben Newsome

Last month I got the opportunity to again connect with Unalaska library to run a video conference on the science of sound. As usual I had a blast working with the kids, but I got a great surprise to find that it got recorded by local community radio station kucb...


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Behind the scenes at the Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum, Washington DC

Ben Newsome

Following a very busy week in Cleveland I made my way over to Washington DC, home of a stunning array of museums and galleries. During the visit I met with Mark Kornmann, Chief of Educational Outreach at the Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum. It was interesting to discuss how...

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STEM at the Challenger Learning Center and BUBL; Rochester, New York

Ben Newsome

On leaving Cleveland Museum of Art I continued my Churchill Fellowship, taking a later flight out of Ohio and landing at midnight in Rochester, New York to visit the Rochester Challenger Learning Centre and Bathysphere Underwater Biological Laboratory over a 2 day visit. The skills of the team are diverse...

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