Teaching Ideas and articles for STEM : Page 16 of 266 : Fizzics Education


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Create a class STEM pitchfest just like Shark Tank!

Ben Newsome

Students... pitch me your ideas! The business pitching TV show Shark Tank and it's competitor Dragon's Den have certainly captured the public's imagination in the past year or so. Why not take this idea into your science classroom and create a STEM pitch fest? Not only will it be fun...


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Pokemon Go – Lesson ideas for the science classroom

Ben Newsome

An augmented reality gaming giant Well, hasn't this app exploded across the world!?! With so many kids, teens and adults using Pokemon Go surely this is an opportunity for teachers to use this highly addictive content in the classroom to engage students, especially those kids that don't readily engage with...


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Ideas for teaching science to preschool children

Ben Newsome

Early learning science that works There are so many options for teaching science in an preschool setting! Kids are highly inquisitive at this young age with an eagerness to investigate their world that older kids rarely match. Why not take advantage of this and create science lessons to match their...

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5 ways Beebots can teach students

Ben Newsome

Coding for younger students Got to love a Beebot! They're such a well designed robotics teaching tool for young students that not only serve as an entry mechanism for more complex robotics but used correctly can be a versatile tool for teachers wanting to creatively teach classroom content.


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Post-It notes teach collaboration & identify understanding

Ben Newsome

A simple yet powerful tool in student hands Nothing could be simpler than having students sit down and create a mind map of their ideas prior to a science lesson or project based learning activity. Why not take this classic thought process a step further and have students share their...


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10 tips for first year science teachers

Ben Newsome

Learn how to thrive in your first teaching year It can be quite daunting on your first day as a science teacher. Sure, you've done the required face to face days as a student teacher and you've passed all the exams... but now it's the real deal! Entering a new...


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Colour blindness in the classroom

Ben Newsome

Can your students see clearly what is happening in class? Many people are aware of the variety of colour blindness tests available. The thing is, how often does the inability to perceive colours get picked up in class? Does it really have an impact on education, or is it just...


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Teaching STEAM on a limited budget

Ben Newsome

Let your student's creativity shine, without breaking the bank! Teaching science in your classroom doesn't necessarily have to be just about following the textbook. If you want to truly engage kids in the sciences you have to tap into their creative side, that is, let them go about solving a...

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Vivid: science lessons on light & colour

Ben Newsome

Use the Vivid Light, Music & Ideas Festival to your advantage! With the Vivid Light, Music & Ideas Festival in full swing in Sydney from May 27 until June 18 this year it's the perfect time to teach light & colour with your students. Students love colour, they love lasers...

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Lego robotics teaching ideas that work

Ben Newsome

Lego robotics captures kids attention like nothing else! We love Lego Robotics! Also known as Lego Mindstorms, we've been using these robots for years to teach kids coding and logical reasoning in schools for years. Students intuitively understand it and can very quickly have their robot moving and sensing it's...

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5 solutions to classroom organisation & lesson planning using Trello

Ben Newsome

How to get your classroom on task and organised! These days there are so many little tasks a busy classroom teacher need to keep track that it can almost be overwhelming, especially for a new teacher on their first placement! The good news is that there are free apps that...

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Pinterest for education: it’s a hive mind of ideas!

Ben Newsome

How to use Pinterest to remember all of those experiments! Ever been planning for a science lesson and for the life of you cannot remember that experiment website you needed? Pinterest is most definitely the education app for you! Established a couple of years ago, Pinterest is a free virtual...


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Big History – our history, our present & future discussed using science

Ben Newsome

If science is boring the kids, maybe the narrative is missing? Ever sat in class and thought that the classroom texts being used just simply are uninspiring? Maybe its not that the facts presented are boring, perhaps its simply the way that they are being presented that is the issue....

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Science memes you can teach with

Ben Newsome

How to use memes as a powerful way to engage students. Who doesn't love a chuckle? When you enter most science faculty staff rooms you'll undoubtedly notice a variety of humorous education and science memes posted on the walls. Funny memes connect with people in a way that other media...

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