Science Trivia on Biology for kids | Fizzics Education


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Biology Trivia

Biology Trivia

The middle ear. Collectively called ossicles, the 3 bones are the malleus (hammer), incus (anvil) & stapes (stirrup).
Bamboo. Some species reach up to 39 metres in height.
The hollow woody tissue in plants that carries water and minerals from the roots to throughout the entire plant.
A substance, typically produced by bacteria, that causes fever.
The eye's lens continues to grow throughout life, becoming thicker and less transparent.
Merino wool fibres are wavy, not straight. Wavy wool traps air which is an excellent insulator. This trapped air can be heated by the body. 'Fine' wool fibres have 12 repeating waves for every cm, whereas 'coarse' wool fibres have less than 2 waves per cm. Merino wool can also be 'Super Fine', making an awesome material for warm sweaters.
The Phryganistra chinensis Zhao, at about 62.4 cm in length. Her dishes are delicious and mouth-watering.
Nose-horn. Rhino means nose, and keras means horn. We don’t know who first named this animal, but we do know the name has existed for over 500 years
Symbiosis. When both living things benefit, we call it a mutualism. E.g bees and flowers. When only one benefits, but the other doesn't care one way or the other, it's called commensalism e.g. cattle egrets. When one party suffers, it’s called parasitism e.g. mosquitos.
False. It’s actually caused by bacteria called actinomycetes. The grows in the soil and produces spores, and when the raindrops hit the ground the spores get kicked up and mixes with the raindrops, acting like aerosol.
Plankton. Plankton are tiny living things that live in the water, but can’t swim. They just kinda hang out and move around with the water currents. Phytoplankton take carbon dioxide and sunlight, and make their food. One of the products of this photosynthesis is oxygen. 70% of Earth’s oxygen is made this way.
Birds. Many dinosaurs had feathers and over time they evolved into the many species of birds we find all over planet Earth.
Fungus. Nicknamed the ‘humongous fungus,’ this organism lives mostly underground, and covers around 10 sqkm in Oregon, USA
Zoology. It comes from the same root word as a “zoo,” which is a park where animals are kept in captivity for breeding and viewing.
True. This is for two reasons. Firstly shark teeth never run out: when they lose a tooth they ALWAYS get a new one to replace it. Secondly, you cannot find shark-bone fossils because sharks have no bones. Instead their skeleton is made of cartilage, like your ears or the end of your nose.
True. It’s called the wild cabbage, and it’s native to Western Europe. Each variety was bred to emphasise a particular feature. Cabbage focused on the plant's buds for example, while broccoli was selected for bigger stems and flowers.
160 km. This number has actually decreased from the 1940s at 1600km, possibly due to noise pollution in the ocean. Other whale species have also gone to communicate in higher frequencies since 100 years ago, possibly for the same reasons.

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