
No matter what topic your class is studying, you can connect your students with experts from around the globe in museums, science centers, zoos, aquariums and more using conferencing technology. Jan Zanetis, ISTE Board Director and the Executive Director for the Center for Interactive Learning & Collaboration discusses how schools are using this experiences to enrich their lessons as well the how the use of video has transformed the teaching landscape via flipped learning.
About Jan Zanetis
As an educator and university administrator, Jan Zanetis spent 20 years in K-12 and Higher Education. In 2005, she moved into the corporate sector as an education specialist, first for TANDBERG and then Cisco Systems. In 2013, she began her current role as the Managing Director at CILC.
Jan’s area of expertise is the application of video technologies in education. She has written extensively on this topic for education journals and has co-authored two books. She is a frequent presenter and keynoter at local, national and international Education conferences.
Jan is an active member of several professional organizations including the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), the United States Distance Learning Association and the Consortium for School Networking. She often presents at educational conferences, regionally, nationally and internationally. Jan is currently serving on the ISTE Board of Directors and is the incumbent Secretary. She is also pleased to serve on the iNK Think Tank Board of Directors and Athlete Foundry’s Board of Advisors.
Top 3 learnings
- If you haven’t tried a virtual excursion yet, it’s time to try it! Whether your class is studying science, history, art, literature, music or any other unit of learning there is likely a subject matter expert that can bring specialised knowledge & demonstrations to your students.
- Read ‘Flip your classroom’ by Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams and try implementing a flipped classroom in your school. Through teachers creating a lesson via video for students to later view at their own time, students will have the time to reflect more deeply about the lesson content and therefore have deeper conversations and understanding in the classroom
- Once you’ve tried connecting with remote schools and content providers, try using Nepris to link your students with people who are working in a variety of occupations. It’s all about connecting students to industry through conferencing technology!
Further contact details & resources
- Contact for Jan Zanetis via email jzanetis@cilc.org or Twitter @janzan
- CILC Website: http://cilc.org/
- Nepris: https://www.nepris.com/
- ISTE Interactive Video Conferencing PLN: http://www.goo.gl/6iDXyD
- Flip your classroom book: https://www.iste.org/resources/product?ID=2285
- Best practice in Science Education Churchill Fellowship report http://www.goo.gl/XiZFd1
- Virtual Excursions Australia http://www.virtualexcursionsaustralia.com.au/
About the FizzicsEd Podcast
With interviews with leading science educators and STEM thought leaders, this science education podcast is about highlighting different ways of teaching kids within and beyond the classroom. It’s not just about educational practice & pedagogy, it’s about inspiring new ideas & challenging conventions of how students can learn about their world!