Podcast: STEM on Stage - live Q & A with Marie Curie : Fizzics Education

Podcast: STEM on Stage – live Q & A with Marie Curie

Podcast: STEM on Stage – live Q & A with Marie Curie


What if Marie Curie could tell her story? 

As a digital theatre performance, HUMANITY NEEDS DREAMERS: A VISIT WITH MARIE CURIE (40 mins) invites audiences to take part in her discoveries as she recollects her quest to isolate two elements — polonium and radium. From her childhood in Poland to groundbreaking research in France, Marie Curie shares the struggles, failures and triumphs behind her scientific achievements and remarkable collaboration with companion scientist & husband Pierre Curie.

Hosted by Ben Newsome from Fizzics Education

About Humanity needs dreamers

Masterfully portrayed by living history scholar & playwright Storysmith® Susan Marie Frontczak, HUMANITY NEEDS DREAMERS is the cinematic version of her acclaimed one-woman show. This unique format breaks the digital fourth wall between live theatre and film, scholar and performer, past and present.

HUMANITY NEEDS DREAMERS is produced by STEM on Stage a digital humanities lab in collaboration with the Princeton Center for Complex Materials STEM outreach programs.


“A must see film of one of the truly great heroes of science.” – Roxanne Truhn, Director, Michigan Science Festival

“I came away with a newfound appreciation for Curie’s significant accomplishments. I’d consider this required viewing for any student — of science, of history, of humanity itself.” – Maia Weinstock, Science Writer & Creator of LEGO Women of NASA

“Susan Marie Frontczak’s portrait captures Curie’s courage, curiosity, fragility, edge, and passion, and her storytelling transports the audience into the world of her laboratory and life. This film is a rare find.” – Holly Walter Kerby, Executive Director, Fusion Science Theater

About Susan Marie Frontczak

Susan Marie Frontczak

Susan Marie Frontczak is a Colorado-based scholar, playwright & performer. Through storysmith.org she has created and performed Living History portrayals of six historical women across 42 of the United States and abroad. She presents at theatres, conferences, schools, libraries, and festivals internationally — including performing Manya: The Living History of Marie Curie and A Visit with Marie Curie over 450 times to 60,000 people in 34 states and nine countries.

In dramatizing the life of Marie Skłodowska Curie, Susan Marie pays homage to their shared Polish heritage. Marie Curie’s perseverance in purifying a tenth of a gram of radium from a ton of pitchblende, in part, inspired Susan Marie to major in Engineering. She earned a B.S. in Engineering from Swarthmore College and a Masters in Software Engineering from the Wang Institute of Graduate Studies, and worked for fourteen years at Hewlett-Packard Company before pursuing full time writing and performing.

Susan Marie has always viewed both science and art as complimentary outlets for creativity. It is her aim to reveal the human behind the scientist, while placing Dr. Marie Curie’s life and accomplishments in a memorable historical context. storysmith.org.

About Jen Myronuk

Jen Myronuk is the cofounder of STEM on Stage, a STEAM initiative to promote narrative science through living history film and immersive media. She’s the producer & director of Humanity Needs Dreamers: A Visit With Marie Curie and the producer & director of the upcoming immersive media production of Pursuit of Discovery: Lise Meitner & Nuclear Fission. She was the co-producer & director of Code4Rights, a video training series promoting social impact through the development of mobile apps. She serves as a board member of Women in Film and Video of New England. As a Silicon Valley native, she previously worked in tech and now lives in Massachusetts.

Twitter: @stemonstage  

With interviews with leading science educators and STEM thought leaders, this science education podcast is about highlighting different ways of teaching kids within and beyond the classroom. It’s not just about educational practice & pedagogy, it’s about inspiring new ideas & challenging conventions of how students can learn about their world!

Hosted by Ben Newsome

Ben Newsome


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